Before in this field there was a quotation from a song...Now it shall be this : Sometimes when you look back at your past, there is nothing left to do but smile...and wish you could go back in time and break your own nose...

сряда, 25 август 2010 г.

One year later (Reboot)

It's been a year since I last wrote in this little side project of mine...Let’s just get some things out of the way quick - for all the 5 people that used to at one point read this - From now on this blog will be mostly in English.
Reason? I plan to use it in combination with my Facebook profile - who knows, maybe this time - if I am persistent enough and have the will to write more than 4 entries - I will actually keep writing it...

To anyone new who might look at this - Welcome - Don't worry you haven't missed anything - just some pretentious rant "games are art" style from this depressed cyclophrenic who I reassure you is long dead...He died a year ago - I swear - I was there...
And this would exactly be a nice entry topic for today's entry...You'd be surprised how many things can happen in a year..
Hell - if I knew about them a year ago , I probably would tell the person telling me to shut his lying mouth up...For example...Seriously:
Who would have thought that Blizzard would actually mess up with the story of Starcraft 2?
Or that Justin Bieber would happen?
Or that I would dye part of my hair blond, decide philosophy was boring, and learn to dance? Ok...Maybe that last thing was not of the importance of the first two, but it could still bring about the end of mankind...

So, what's been happening around the author of this small piece of virtual chaos ? Well...went to Finland - came back. Result? Reads and plays a bit less - drinks and goes out a bit more...That is about it...

Philosophy slowly gave way to its more practical offspring - Semiotics...And just as my interest was slowly transformed from theoretical mechanics of knowledge to the practical dimensions of the symbols and meanings in active social communication (surprise, surprise)- So did my own behavior...Or maybe it was just the fact that I discovered a place where it was actually FUN for me to go out...Oh damn...I said FUN...Did things really change that much?

WAIT...OMG!!!WORMS RELOADED IS OUT...OK this post is over.(Sorry for that..)
And I was just about to start ranting about me discovering gothic subculture-Now is that providence or what?

I might just write something (this time It will be game related, I promise!) soon, so while you are here, how about some music:
Ayria - Red Shift
Covenant - Call The Ships to Port
God Module - Still so Strange
PS: Did I also mention my music tastes changed quite a lot ?